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Meet Janelle.


I use Design Thinking to help forward thinking business leaders create more inclusive products and services for people. I focus on the small details so that users can have the most pleasurable experience. I am a lifelong learner and enjoy challenging myself to learn new skills through exploration. When I am not designing or learning new hobbies, you can find me curating a music playlist or traveling to a new destination to try local restaurants as self-proclaimed foodie! 

I currently work as an Underwriter where I am challenged to use some of the same skills that I employ as a UX Designer. Strong attention to detail is used to analyze required information to form a relevant understanding of context. I also research guidelines specific to the loan product so that I may accurately support my decision-making and provide the "why" behind each action I take. I use the path of least resistance to provide a delightful experience for all users, including partners, homeowners, and other members of my team.  

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